Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All systems go!

Wow!  Almost 5 months in, my body has fully adjusted and worked out its problems, the weather is getting nicer, the days are getting longer, and I once again enjoy being outside without fear of mosquitoes and 'cold'.  Lately I've been able to go snorkeling a number of times without freezing as soon as I got in the water (in which case, I would have opted out of snorkeling).  Along with the numerous amounts of fish, I have seen an octopus, king crab, sea snake, sea cucumber, starfish, and have been able to play with dolphins!  Poco a poco, the sun is staying up a few minutes longer and we see more sunlight in the day. 

More and more volunteers are streaming into the clinic, so there are more hands to do things, therefore making my work even lighter--plus I have a student nurse!  It's great.  Today we went out to an isolated community on the island to do an outreach clinic.  There were a fair number of moms and children, but other than pain, parasite/worm treatment, and a couple cases of chicken pox, we didn't see anything too exciting...that is, except for some amazing views!  In the process, I also saw Hottest Sparrow.  This is another small, isolated community, that is very difficult to access--yet this is where the 3 children were from that I wrote about back from when my parents were here.  After the outreach clinic today, we did a health screening at the SOL Foundation, which is an after school program for children.  Therefore, for 3 hours we measured the height and weight of children....way to long!  (especially since we had just spent the past 8 hours in the clinic and on the outreach clinic)  Oh well, we got them all taken care of and were able to pinpoint the kids that are below the average for height and weight. 

In a week and a half, I will be making a trek over to La Ceiba to help with a medical brigade that will be coming for a week.  It will be a great change of pace for a bit and a new population of people to work with.  More to come following my week there....stay tuned ;) 

For all of you suffering from feet and feet of snow, I thought you would like to know that with the longer hours of sun (and the warmer days), my tan is coming along quite nicely...unfortunately, I really only get to work on it over the weekends since the sun is no longer very good by the time we are done with clinic.  Oh well, such be the life!  Not much else is new around here, so I will leave you with that...maybe next time I can write something a bit more inspirational....I'll think on it for all of you :)

My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

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