Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hace Calor!

Translated? It's Hot! This has started to become a common phrase around these parts (unfortunately for those back home, I don't think it has!)  Daily temperatures are now in the upper 80s and well into the 90s with humidity.  Many people think the humidity is just terrible, but coming from a very humid place I don't think it's much different.  The big difference?  In the states we have access to AC everywhere.  Therefore, once we start to break the slightest of sweats, we turn on the AC, start the fans, anything to instantly cool us off.  Why?  Because we don't stand the feeling of being hot, we hate to sweat, who know why else.  Here however, most don't even have a fan, let alone AC.  People can't go into the nearest store to cool off, because, well, most shops don't have AC either.  Forget going to a restaurant to cool down and enjoy a meal.  All restaurants are outdoors...and most have pets that pester you; but that's another story!  So what do we do here when we get hot?  Well, we sit as still as possible in hopes of not breaking a sweat (with my genes, that's not really a possibility!).  If that doesn't work, we fan ourselves with a stack of papers, find the shade and hope there is a breeze, carry a little washcloth to wipe off the sweat, or just simply try to ignore the beads of sweat that are rolling off us!  If all else fails, most locals will just jump right into the ocean...clothes and all!  I must admit, I have taken part before (after I got done running), and man did it feel good!

For the past 2.5 weeks I have once again assumed the role of Miss Peggy, as she is spending some time in the states.  This time, however, has gone significantly better than last.  Well, I shouldn't say better, cause last time went well; this time there was much less stress.  Last time I was brand new to nursing, brand new to Honduras, brand new to the clinic, and there I was supervising volunteers and running a clinic for 2 weeks.  This time, I'm still doing the same, but with added responsibilities as well.  Since Peggy's phone doesn't work in the states, it would have done her no good to take it with her; therefore, let's leave it with Laura!  I must say I have been quite blessed and the phone hardly rings.  When it does though, it's usually someone calling looking for a medical consult.  As I told my mom the other night, I should start answering the phone, "Hello, ask a nurse, how can I help you?"  In addition to the phone, a container from the states was shipped while she was away, so I have been assisting a little in getting that into the country.  Speaking of which, I suppose I should check and see if it's gotten through customs and needs to be unloaded yet.  Que mas?  I routinely correspond with upcoming volunteers getting their questions answered and just yesterday I even got to go meet some people that had donations and wanted the spiel about the clinic.  After these 3 weeks, I think I will have about earned the title of Miss Peggy, Jr.  Scary thought!

With under 4 months left here, I have lots to look forward (some happy things, some sad) to in the upcoming months.  First and foremost of course is celebrating my golden birthday in just 9 short days!  Following that, I will be saying farewell to a group of teachers that have been here this year with me.  I will be sad to see them go, but hopefully it won't be the last time I see some of them.  Mid-June I travel to Costa Rice and Panama with two of my roommates from last year.  Throughout the summer we have 2 different groups coming in to work on early childhood education among mothers of children 0-5.  While they will be doing all the work, I look forward to what the classes will have to offer as this is something of great interest to me.  July, my sister is looking at coming, and then after that I may have one more friend visiting before it is time to wrap things up for the year.  In addition, I will continue working towards creating/putting together resources for future volunteers that come after me.  Through all of this I will be looking into jobs for when I return and working on my application for grad school.  Where has time gone?!

Thinking cool thoughts,

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