Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What a way to start the week!

This weekend I had a chance to finally go scuba diving and it was amazing!!  We went on both Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon and saw a baracuda one day and an eel another day.  The reef were really cool, however, note to self, some sunscreen may be a good option for a while.  Even though I got a little burnt, it's all tanned now and doesn't really hurt anymore so that's pretty exciting...before I know it I could be considered an Islander!  Sunday I ended up going to church twice- once for the Catholic mass and then once with the other volunteers to a non-denomenational service.  That was a different experience.  I'm pretty sure it was the first time that I have been to any service other than Catholic, and it was definately a different experience.  While it wasn't all that bad, it lacked the same substance that I get from a Catholic mass.  

Yesterday was quite an experience at the clinic.  Peggy is in the states for 2 weeks, meaning I am the nurse at the clinic and I am in charge...oh man!  Yesterday being the beginning of a new week, with new volunteers and PA's coming in, meant total caos.  There is a PA program that does 6 week rotations through Clinica Esperanza.  One group just left on Saturday, bringing another group of 2 in.  This meant that I would need to get them orientated to the clinic and the computer system so that they could start seeing patients.  But, add on to that, we had 6 other PA's, a lay volunteer, and a nurse come in to volunteer for the next week or two, so I had to orient them as well.  So, now we have 8 PA's, 2 doctors, a nurse, and another volunteer all needed something to do as well as orientation, but we only have 4 exam rooms to see patients in.  What are we supposed to do?!!?  Needless to say, yesterday was a very stressful day as we got everyone situated and orientated; leaving me dreading what today was going to bring.  Luckily, today ran very smoothly and people were able to fit in to what needed to be done and it left noone standing around.  Yay!  Success!  

That was the first start to the week.  Then today I find out that my hip likes to rotate forward because of a tight muscle that is starting to get chronically tight and therefore shortening....perfect, just what I need to be told as I am starting my year abroad.  Part of it is from sitting for long periods of time so I guess that means less sitting and more standing up straight with my weight equally distributed and continuing to exercise.....ugh!   So after the morning at the clinic, we got pizza for lunch...that I was excited about.  But then I went home to turn on my computer so that I could answer emails, check facebook, and all that good stuff---only to find out that my hard drive has given out on me...again!!  So now, only a week into my year, I don't have a reliable computer....for now at least.  I frantically called my brother to see what to do and he tells me to take it to my local Best Buy.  Yeah, we don't have a Best Buy here.  He goes, well then I can send you something or you can send me something.  Yup, don't have mail service here either (that being said, if you want to send anything, we have people coming in and out from the states every 6 weeks, let me know and I will get you an address.)  But, hopefully once I get the right disks from him, I will be able to reformat and all will be well.  Until then.....limited technology :(  But, maybe it will be good for me; we tend to rely on technology too much these days---but I'm already doing without phone and mail service!!  Oh well...I'll keep you posted with how I am doing, hopefully I will be able to make it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm surmising by the fact that you have some more blog entries that the clinic did in fact survive in one piece under your leadership. Well I'll be.......
