Monday, September 5, 2011

The Final Four

No, I'm not talking basketball; I'm talking about the final four days that I have on the wonderful island of Roatan!  Like all goodbyes, they are definitely bittersweet.  While I am ready to get home, there is much around here that I will miss. 

When it comes to the last days, there is no rest for the weary.  Instead, clinic is full force this week!  There are 2 new volunteers that started today, so this week will involved orienting them to the clinic and teaching them the ways of the clinic.  In addition, I will be training the nurse that will be working in my spot for the next week/week and a half until my replacement comes- Miss Peggy, herself!  Since I have been working in the clinic more or less on my own this past year, Peggy needs to be brought up to speed so people aren't completely lost when I go.  With so many volunteers in the clinic (other than non-medical and med students), we saw close to 60 patients today!  Haven't seen those numbers for a while.  Therefore, clinic this week will probably be busy, but I will work until the end!  Although I am ready to move on from working in a clinic, there are many things that I will miss about Clinica Esperanza.  The staff has been wonderful getting to know and work with.  The patients are so appreciative and over the course of the year, I have really gotten to know some of them well.  Everyday, I was constantly learning something new!  I will miss them all, but I will be back for sure!  If nothing else, for vacation- I hear Roatan has one of the best reefs in the world ;)

Over the past several days, the goodbyes have started.  I finally got my iguana dinner at Dr. Raymond's and man was it delicious!  My final mass in West End was on Saturday after which we had cake to say farewell (it was delicious and may have left me with a little sugar high!).  Sunday was service at rChurch with a very nice blessing, followed by a snorkel (not all that great....water's kind of stirred up) and some sun in West Bay.  Then, last night we took a party barge sunset cruise!  It was perfect- the water was calm, almost all the clinic staff was there and leaders of both churches, delicious food, another TWO cakes, and a wonderful sunset!  Couldn't get much better.  Oh yeah, and the TV station was there....apparently I'm THAT important that I am newsworthy.  Who knew?!

These next few days are going to fly by as I wrap things up here.  A few more dinners and goodbyes to say around the island, a few more tutoring sessions, 3 more days of clinic, a year's worth of stuff to pack up, and most of all, a whole clinic staff to say goodbye to.  That's gonna be tough- not looking forward to that one :(  My plane leaves Friday at 11:45 and almost 24 hrs later I arrive in Sioux Falls at 10:10.  It'll be a long journey filled with anticipation, but so rewarding once I get home to family and friends!

Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for my journeys.
See you all on the flip side!