Friday, July 22, 2011

Take time to smell the roses!

Roses are one of my all time favorite flowers, and whenever I see them I always have to take time to smell them.  However, literally, that is not what this post is about.  Over the past couple weeks, I have really started to reflect on what it is that I am going to take from my time volunteering here.  There have been many things that I have loved, many joys, and a few frustrations.  In the end, aside from the medical knowledge that I gained, there are 2 key things that I will keep with me always.

First of all, the pace of life here is much different than life at home.  After arriving here 10 and a half months ago, it took me some time to really adjust to life as I know it now.  There wasn't constantly something to do, there was no need to rush from one thing to the next (aside from the times that I had 3 or 4 people all demanding my attention at once), and there is time to just sit and do nothing!  During the first month here, I was a bit frazzled and at times frustrated (more with myself than anything) because I didn't feel like things were getting down.  However, things were getting down; it just that I didn't have 30 things that needed to be down.  They were big projects that take time to complete.  Besides that, I had free time- what is one supposed to do with that!?  Free time is something that I haven't had in soo long.  Growing up, I was always involved in sports and music (which I loved...wouldn't change a minute of it) and in college there was always something to do- activities, papers, projects, meetings, work, etc.  Throughout the course of this year, it has been nice to slow down and really have time to take in life.  I have time in my day to sit and reflect on life.  I can sit in the hammock and watch the people on the dock and the ocean or take a nap and not feel like I should be doing something.  I have been soo fortunate to be living right on the ocean, meaning that I have access to some of the best sunsets!  Don't think I could ever get sick of those and I will definitely miss them.  But because of the pace of life, I can actually sit and watch the sun's almost like sitting and watching the grass grow, but it's beautiful and part of God's creation!  The speed of life will be an adjustment when I get back, but an adjustment I think I am ready for.  However, I will never forget how nice it is to have some time when you can sit and do nothing...those days will definitely find themselves back into my days from time to time when I get home.

Another thing that I continue to notice almost on a daily basis is how magnificent God is.  Not that I have ever doubted how great our God is, but here, I don't know if it's just because I have more time to think situations through or what, but God really does work in mysterious ways.  Plus, things definitely happen on His time, not ours.  Time and time again, there will be something that we need/want but aren't getting.  Eventually, several days/weeks later that thing we wanted/needed appears and coincidentally it's right when we need it and usually at a better time than before.  As much as we want things to happen on our schedule, they aren't going to.  Everything happens for a reason!  For instance, in preparing for my return home, I need to start looking for jobs.  I kept applying to various positions at the hospital with no success.  Finally I decided maybe I needed to try a different route this fall.  I started looking into other options and there were soo many just waiting for me.  So instead of working in the hospital, I will be working with Children's Home Society (assuming I pass the background check and drug screening...haha), a residential treatment center for abused and neglected children that also may have behavioral issues.  I don't know what it will hold, but it could be something that opens a door for the future.  Regardless, I am willing to try it out to see what they are all about and I am excited to be working with them a couple days a week.  Aside from that, I think I will also be working with the volunteer school nurse program that the catholic school system has.  Hopefully thoughout the fall, I will be able to continue seeing the great works that God has planned for me. 

With all my visitors, I am continually reminded of the differences between here and the states.  One of my best friends was just down visiting and again it was the same thing.  However, I am soo greatful to be able to share an experience like this with each and every one of them.  The disadvantaged and underserved people often get forgotten and they are part of my passion and drive for my profession.  Sharing this experience with people helps me share my passion with others first hand and it gives me the opportunity to help others understand, even if just in the smallest ways, how privilaged we are.  I have truly enjoyed my time down here (and will continue to), but am also looking forward to coming home to be able to share pictures, stories, and thoughts with all of you!  (not that I am counting, but 7 weeks from today, I will be headed home!)

Going out to smell the roses...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Turn that Frown Upside Down!

Remember the good times.  Don't cry over spilled milk.  Don't dwell on the past.  Make the most out of everything.  Get up, brush it off, and move on.  As long as I can remember, these are all things that I have been told.  Optimism; it's the way I like to look at life, and have learned so much more while being here.

Today, after I got back to the clinic from taking Debbie to the airport, the first things that I was asked: "Are you sad?  Did you cry?  Did she cry?"  While it was sad to see her go, we had a great 5 days together and that's what matters- the good times!  We were able to relax, enjoy the island, take in some sun, and do a little exploring.  A trip to the East end, minutes after she got off the plane; a ceremony and mass celebrating the formation of the Bay Islands as a parish; kayaking, snorkeling, sun, and hiking; a dud for a firework show and a firework show well worth seeing.  A weekend well spent!

Glass half empty, or half full?  At times, many of us forget to look on the bright side.  Things happen in our lives on a daily basis that, if we let them, could ruin our day, week, month, etc...  All we can think about is how we miss that moment, or what if we did it a little different, or let's just live in that time forever.  However, we can't dwell on them; if we do, we will only create more of them because we will miss creating the future.  When a child falls down, often times the first thing they do is look around to see others' reactions.  If you turn out your lip and say, "Poor thing" and immediately sweep them up and make a huge deal out of it, chances are they will start to cry.  Try instead, brushing it off and making it game like.  When my little brother was younger and would fall, we would look at him raise our hands and say "Touchdown!" (he was a lover of sports:) )  Instead of crying and dwelling on the fall, he would get up and continue on playing as if nothing had happened.  It's the innocence of childhood at it's finest.  I've found the same thing true over this past year.  Volunteers and friends are constantly coming and going.  It is rare that a volunteer stays longer than 4-6 weeks; it's part of my reality this past year.  I could dwell on the fact that another volunteer has come and gone and now I am sad that they are no longer here.  I could have the constant mindset of "what if so and so was here?  What would we be doing?"  They're not here though, someone else is; I must make the most out of the time that I have with them.  Then when they are headed back to their prospective home, I must not dwell on the past, but remember the good times we had together.  Because of this, I have been able to make some good friends that I am sure I will stay in contact with. 

This is true of any situation that you or I find ourselves in.  I can look back over the course of the past few days, months, and years and come up with many things that have left me sad and not wanting to leave the moment.  But it was inevitable; I didn't have a choice.  Time went on.  I took the time to remember the good things about the moment that I will forever cherish and went on creating more of these moments.  If we constantly dwell on the past and on the sad moments of life, I believe we will be in for one of the most miserable life's possible.  Instead, remember the happy moments of life so that you can continue to create more happy moments and lasting memories.

So what will you do?  Get up and brush it off, or stay down and wait for the moment to reverse?  Is your glass half empty or half full?  That milk that spilled- is it really worth crying over, or should you just clean it up and get a new glass?

Have a blessed week!  Miss you all but loving my experiences!